Thanks to the endeavour taken by the authorities of the Institute of Dezful-o-logy (knowing Dezful), the authors of this book have been able to gather many words in Dezfuli taken from English or given to it. They should like to express their deep gratitude to those whose enthusiasm and love for their native land brought about such a work. The authorities of Dezful-o-logy have been trying to introduce this old city of Iran to all those who keep an eye on their past history, culture, and civilization and would like to preserve it for their future generation. Along this line of attempt, the authors of this book have tried to shed some light on the evolution of Dezfuli dialect spoken by the inhabitants of this city. Also, because of many shared words between English and Persian, an attempt has been made to collect as many words as possible to account for the partial evolution that this language has undergone during its last few centuries. Indeed, the main focus of the study has been to search for the words shared by Dezfuli and English. To achieve this goal, many colleagues and friends have helped the authors and have critically surveyed the materials collected. Here, the authors thank them all and wish them success. The authors would like to mention that this study is not finished yet and it will be followed in future. They also assume the responsibility of any imperfection and mistake totally as theirs and not any contributor’s to the study.
M.A. Kiaifar
R. Tanoorsaz
A.M. Pooladi